This is what I want to accomplish in or around this year. I have more details on a document, but I wanted to create some visual representations of my vision for this year.
Live My Gospel
Live My Gospel must be completed this year. If nothing else at all gets done but this, it will be a good year.
Live the Principles and become a LMG RM.
Create videos for the website
Make the website amazing.
What actually happened:
Revamped site
Produced and Added videos
doubled the facebook group in size
opened the door to much more growth
worked on some of the chapters more of the book.
Got permission to do a full scale research project with Qualtrics from the CEO (Stuart) with Paul Bodily's account.
Found a possible design (Lehi and the Liahona)
Book of Mormon
Finish my Book of Mormon compendium (at least have one entry per chapter by the end of the year).
What actually happened:
made progress, didn't finish :)
Jesus the Christ
1. Finish reading this all the way to the end! What happened:
listened to about half
Learn music better. I already know it fairly well, but sharpen my skills. Learn to read it better. Understand more about theory and what different terms mean. Ask Paul. Learn about cellos. Hang out with people who play them. Shadow and meet someone who knows how to make one. Purchase one - hopefully one that is made (Walter Whipple).
What happened:
Purchased cello
learned a bit from Youtube
loved looking at it all year :)
Finish The Discoverers. Even if I don't do it until Christmas break. I want to finish this book. It is SO mind-expanding. Like the scriptures, it has helped me to keep perspective about this world so as to not be bogged down by any sort of social norms or things that have been created by man. What happened:
I didn't finish, but read more.
This is an LDA. The main goal here is to start by learning how they work. Map it out on a white board. Learn enough to be able to get the thrill of understanding how brilliant people were to come up with it as well as being able to sound extremely nerdy when talking to anyone about SEO. This will require that I learn the basics of Calculus. Hang out with Michaela. Pick a few computer scientists brains (Mike Nelson). Once I have learned a little more, hang out with some super nerds like Matt Smith.
What happened:
I didn't learn too much. :)
Stats knowledge
Become a stats ninja. If I was a stats ninja, my marketing skills would be GREATLY increased. Complete the "Power Trio" of marketing: 1. Market Research (Qualtrics), 2. SEO/SEM (OrangeSoda) and 3. Statistical knowledge (SPSS) Thus, I would become super marketable for as a marketer! :)
What happened:
I didn't jump on this one.
1. Improve my effectiveness/speed. 2. Learn as much as I can about SEO. 3. Pick peoples' brains about everything. Ian: management, effectiveness, everything Megan/Alex: wordpress Eli/JJ/Charlie: SEO strategies and resources Natalie/Sara/Britani: PPC 4. Perfect your BOB. 5. Get another promotion.
What happened:
I did a great job.
I ended my time there in a great way and started Colorful SEO and I feel great about it.
Ian said that if I ever needed a job again, he would be more than happy to rehire because he loved the way I worked and the way I did things. This was a great compliment.
Have $10,000 added to savings by end of year.
Start SEO Company
Start an SEO business to fund all my other ideas and to get experience running a great business. Goal: $7500 net rev by December. Make it fun. Make it fresh. Make it awesome. Make people love it.
Build More Sites
1. Learn wordpress back to front. 2. Build 3. Understand Hosting and Servers and DNS and all things needed. What happened:
This TOTALLY happened!
I learned wp much better and built lots of sites and am still working on more!
App Sales
Push the apps out to more audiences this year. 1. Start with Meridian. Depending on how sales go, adjust the price and then... 2. Expand into the Bible Belt websites/online bookstores. 3. All said an done, sell at least 10,000 apps.
What happened: This didn't happen, but I revamped the site and tried to push it out more by offering a rev share to the top 10 Christian / Bible sites on the internet. I got a bit of a response, but nothing that would work unless we did an initial advertising investment that we couldn't afford.
Girls hate it when I say I want to gain weight, but that is the goal. Lift, build, tone and sculpt.
175 - 180 by EOY.
Keep running and active. Run the Rex Lee 5K and place in the top 50 and another few 10K races.
5K - sub 20:00 10K - sub 45:00
The Advocates
Have at least 3 big shows this year. 2 of which are our own gigs entirely. Win BYU Sing Off. Win Vocal Sport. Get a Speaker System with the money and use it for more shows. (Record an album in the summer).
Create some good media
1. Record some songs on the looper. 2. get the T3I for LMG videos when I can't use the mega nice camera. Take it to the Olympics for the kickstarter. 3. Create videos for LMG website. (Music Video for the Advocates)
Return to Jerusalem
Return to Jerusalem to make a film. Fund it with