My life in a nutshell

getting closer to the top
People often ask me where I am going to eventually end up when all is said and done. Well, this is my answer for now. Obviously this will change and become enhanced, but here is my rough draft.
My Three-fold Purpose in life:
Rough Timeline/Outline:
I will work until the end of 2013 on my financial pursuits to carry me and my family through the graduate school/technical training years. If the world doesn’t end in 2012, then by 2014 I will be full throttle in my professional training. I will train for 3 - 5 years acquiring my doctorate degree by year 2019 at latest. I will then teach/consult for the next 10 - 15 years in academia after which I will retire (unless there is some amazing retirement plan that requires more time, but I don’t really care and don’t want this to be the case). Upon retirement, I will teach religion or institute in Utah because most of my family will probably have started to move back there, or I will go wherever they are. And if they are scattered all over, we will just live close to an airport, a temple, a university and a beautiful get-away of nature. So by around age 50, I will have retired with a solid fund to live off of while other funds and streams of income continue to build so as to leave my family with a nice trust fund as they begin their young married lives (I will somehow make it so that they can’t access the funds until they are married or have reached a certain age [like 28 - 30] if they are not married with a family). And if for some reason I cannot teach institute or religion to the youth, my wife and I will volunteer as (probably Spanish Speaking) missionaries to teach an amazing institute class somewhere like Chile, Mexico, Guatemala or Ecuador where people have nothing and we can really make a difference in their lives spiritually and monetarily. And while there, we will choose one of the best and brightest students (who has basically nothing) to fund his/her mission/education and vocational training. We will repeat this process multiple times in multiple countries until we are no longer physically able. This will all happen after our kids have grown up and gone to school/their own families. After the mission stage of our life, we will stay at our nice home in some central location (for our families) and just learn. We will read about everything, we will go to the temple all the time and become more familiar with the world of the spirit then ever in our lives as encounter with the veil comes closer and closer (if the Seocond Coming of Jesus Christ hasn’t happened by this time).
Plan of Action and Goal Statement:
I will work extremely hard to accomplish my financial goals. I will delegate to those who are more effective in certain tasks where necessary. I will keep the end goal in mind as I build the streams of income that may not have to do with the end goal. I will work over the next two years to build a minimum of 3 streams of residual income that will carry my wife and family through technical training and grad school as I finish a PhD and become a professor**, teaching and researching full-time during the regular school semesters (September - April), and doing professional consulting full time during the “off-season” (from May - August). If my previously built financial pursuits are doing well enough at this time, I will simply spend more time with my family (world travel - with academic backing and allowance for recreation so that grants pay for much of the travel) and teach part time during these seasons.
**Professor - in the works. I know that I want to just teach in one of the following fields:
- Instructional Technology is the newest winner and I am currently applying to PhD programs in this field.
- Social interaction via technology
- Human - technology interaction
- Social Psychology (specifically with regards to the media and persuasion tools in advertising and mainstream media)
My Three-fold Purpose in life:
- To be a fun, confident and solid father and husband who is a Man of God.
- To be a powerful mouthpiece of the Lord inside and outside of my Church.
- To inspire good men and women to be great - to become their highest self. To help people to remember who they really are and who they always have been To enable all to realize their potential and true worth.
Rough Timeline/Outline:
I will work until the end of 2013 on my financial pursuits to carry me and my family through the graduate school/technical training years. If the world doesn’t end in 2012, then by 2014 I will be full throttle in my professional training. I will train for 3 - 5 years acquiring my doctorate degree by year 2019 at latest. I will then teach/consult for the next 10 - 15 years in academia after which I will retire (unless there is some amazing retirement plan that requires more time, but I don’t really care and don’t want this to be the case). Upon retirement, I will teach religion or institute in Utah because most of my family will probably have started to move back there, or I will go wherever they are. And if they are scattered all over, we will just live close to an airport, a temple, a university and a beautiful get-away of nature. So by around age 50, I will have retired with a solid fund to live off of while other funds and streams of income continue to build so as to leave my family with a nice trust fund as they begin their young married lives (I will somehow make it so that they can’t access the funds until they are married or have reached a certain age [like 28 - 30] if they are not married with a family). And if for some reason I cannot teach institute or religion to the youth, my wife and I will volunteer as (probably Spanish Speaking) missionaries to teach an amazing institute class somewhere like Chile, Mexico, Guatemala or Ecuador where people have nothing and we can really make a difference in their lives spiritually and monetarily. And while there, we will choose one of the best and brightest students (who has basically nothing) to fund his/her mission/education and vocational training. We will repeat this process multiple times in multiple countries until we are no longer physically able. This will all happen after our kids have grown up and gone to school/their own families. After the mission stage of our life, we will stay at our nice home in some central location (for our families) and just learn. We will read about everything, we will go to the temple all the time and become more familiar with the world of the spirit then ever in our lives as encounter with the veil comes closer and closer (if the Seocond Coming of Jesus Christ hasn’t happened by this time).
Plan of Action and Goal Statement:
I will work extremely hard to accomplish my financial goals. I will delegate to those who are more effective in certain tasks where necessary. I will keep the end goal in mind as I build the streams of income that may not have to do with the end goal. I will work over the next two years to build a minimum of 3 streams of residual income that will carry my wife and family through technical training and grad school as I finish a PhD and become a professor**, teaching and researching full-time during the regular school semesters (September - April), and doing professional consulting full time during the “off-season” (from May - August). If my previously built financial pursuits are doing well enough at this time, I will simply spend more time with my family (world travel - with academic backing and allowance for recreation so that grants pay for much of the travel) and teach part time during these seasons.
**Professor - in the works. I know that I want to just teach in one of the following fields:
- Instructional Technology is the newest winner and I am currently applying to PhD programs in this field.
- Social interaction via technology
- Human - technology interaction
- Social Psychology (specifically with regards to the media and persuasion tools in advertising and mainstream media)